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Timothy 4:15 of the Bible

“Put these abilities to work; throw yourself into your tasks so that everyone may notice your improvement and progress."

If you have any questions regarding the curriculum we teach, please contact the school directly.


Curriculum Intent

At Egerton, we provide a rich and relevant curriculum to enable every child to flourish and reach their full potential.  Our aim is to help our children be the best they can be and have 'life in all its fullness.'  In doing this we provide our children with the knowledge and skills they need to prepare them for the ever-changing world around us in a stimulating and enjoyable environment.  It is our intent to promote, and for our pupils to achieve, both learning and personal growth.  This remains at the heart of our holistic curriculum drive, while simultaneously cherishing childhood.

We recognise there are many skill sets within our world, and whilst there is a focus on maths, English, RE and science, we ensure we provide a rich, broad and balanced curriculum to capture the very best from all of our pupils.  Our curriculum is driven by providing topic-based choices that inspire the children’s passion for learning, creativity and the desire to own their education.  To enable us to achieve this, we broaden opportunities by including a range of experiences for the children, such as:

  • Forest school activities
  • Community-led activities
  • Local school collaborative events
  • Educational visits
  • Residential trips for KS2
  • School performances and shows
  • Whole school theme days

We present a wide range of opportunities to enable us to blend skills together, such as:

  • Promoting curiosity – asking questions, delving deeper and analysing
  • Developing communication – listening, empathy and relationship-building
  • Prove it opportunities – problem-solving, decision-making and exploration
  • Sharing views and opinions – visual, spoken and written
  • Encouraging creativity – innovation, imagination and spirituality

Our school environment is very important to us here at Egerton, and it is here you can see how our hidden curriculum is threaded into the everyday lives of the children.  Our school Christian values and Biblical story, ‘The feeding of the 5000’, promote how important learning from each other is.  Our values encourage how we live, are expected to behave and underpin the foundations for our learning.  Through these Christian values and our Bible story, we aim to teach the children how to grow into positive, responsible people, who can work and co-operate with others whilst developing their own understanding of the world around them.

As we live in a changing world, we understand the need to have an evolving, adaptable curriculum.   We constantly review our curriculum provision according to the needs and aspirations of our current learners.  This is because we believe that all children are entitled to receive a high quality curriculum that encourages the highest possible standards and fosters life-long learning.